Mariposa Academy is very lucky to be one of the 14 schools which have the Read With Me volunteer network. The program was started in 2004 in Coachella Valley and has since grown throughout California and Nevada. Our volunteers this year read over 600 hours and over 5000 books with our students. Helping them with reading fluency, listening skills, and assisting them with pronunciation all while building strong mentoring bonds with our students.
Sue Foltz provided countless hours organizing and communicating with volunteers and staff and still found time to work with individual students. Her dedication and love for this program is priceless to our school.
Tuesday, May 28, we celebrated the hard work these volunteers and students did throughout the year with gifts, smiles and snacks. Later this week all Mariposa students will be taking home a book donated by the Read With Me. This program and these volunteers enrich the lives of our students and our Mariposa community, we are truly grateful.