Families, This is a friendly reminder that the money from our chocolate sale was due yesterday. If you picked up a box, please return the envelope with the money and any unsold chocolates to school as soon as possible. Thank you! Familias, Este es un recordatorio amistoso de que el dinero de nuestra venta de chocolates vencía ayer. Si recogió una caja, por favor devuelva el sobre con el dinero y cualquier chocolate no vendido a la escuela lo antes posible. ¡Gracias!
2 days ago, Stephanie Aguirre
Mariposa Academy is on a regular school schedule today. Please drive safely and we will see you soon! La Academia Mariposa está en horario escolar regular el día de hoy. !Por favor maneje con precaución y nos vemos pronto!
7 days ago, Jenny Hunt
Mariposa Academy is on a regular school schedule today. Please drive safely and we will see you soon! La Academia Mariposa está en horario escolar regular el día de hoy. !Por favor maneje con precaución y nos vemos pronto!
7 days ago, Jenny Hunt
On time
Familias Las clases terminan y los estudiantes salen a las 3:00 p.m. Anticipamos que las carreteras estarán más resbaladizas a medida que se acerque la tarde y bajen las temperaturas. Por favor, asegúrese de recoger hoy a sus estudiantes lo antes posible del programa después de escuela para garantizar que todos lleguen a casa sanos y salvos, incluido el personal del programa, nos gustaría que el programa termine lo más temprano posible. Gracias, y por favor llámenos al (775) 826-4040 si necesita ayuda con el transporte para los estudiantes, etc. -Senorita.Nataly
8 days ago, Jenny Hunt
Pick up
Families, School is out today and students are released at 3:00pm. We are anticipating the roads will be more icy as the afternoon/evening nears with the temperatures dropping. Please make sure to pick up students as soon as possible from the after school program today to ensure everyone gets home safe including afterschool staff, we would like afterschool to end as early as possible. Thank you and please call us at (775) 826-4040 if you need assistance with transportation for students etc.
8 days ago, Jenny Hunt
Early Pick up
STEAM family night is Tuesday, February 25th, from 5:30-6:30 pm. Noche Familiar de STEAM es el martes 25 de febrero, de 5:30 a 6:30 p.m.
8 days ago, Stephanie Aguirre
STEAM night
STEAM night
2/13/25 Mariposa Academy will have a 2-hour delay today. School will start at 10:00am. La Academia Mariposa tendrá 2 horas de retraso hoy. Las clases comenzarán a las 10:00 a. m.
8 days ago, Jenny Hunt
This morning the Mariposa before school program will be open at 9am. Drop ins are welcome for $10 per student. Esta mañana, el programa Mariposa antes de la escuela abrirá sus puertas a las 9 a. m. Se aceptan visitas sin cita previa por un costo de $10 por estudiante.
8 days ago, Jenny Hunt
2/13/25 Mariposa Academy will have a 2-hour delay today. School will start at 10:00am. La Academia Mariposa tendrá 2 horas de retraso hoy. Las clases comenzarán a las 10:00 a. m.
8 days ago, Jenny Hunt
Mariposa Academy currently has open seats for Kinder and 1st grade. (All other grades there is a waitlist) Contact the office at 775-826-4040 or visit our school at 3875 Glen St., Reno, NV 89502
14 days ago, Mary Ellen Tagle
Now Enrolling! 25-26 School Year Kinder and 1st Grade OPEN SEATS
Thank you to everyone who tried out for cheer. I loved seeing your school spirit! Please do not be discouraged if you did not make the team this year - I am so proud of everyone who put themselves out there and gave it their all! Gracias a todos los que intentaron para ser porristas. ¡Me encantó ver tu espíritu escolar! Por favor, no se desanime si no formó parte del equipo este año. ¡Estoy muy orgulloso de todos los que se esforzaron y lo dieron todo!
16 days ago, Stephanie Aguirre
Families, we are so excited about our expansion project that will begin in a few months and will be ready for school to start next August! We are starting to look for furniture etc for the building and we need some short term storage from March 1-July 30. If anyone has warehouse space where we can store tables, desks and chairs, please call the office at 775-826-4040 or send a note with your child to school. Thank you for your help! Familias, estamos muy emocionados por nuestro proyecto de expansión que comenzará en unos meses y estará listo para el inicio de clases en agosto próximo. Estamos comenzando a buscar muebles, etc. para el edificio y necesitamos un lugar de almacenamiento a corto plazo del 1 de marzo al 30 de julio. Si alguien tiene espacio de almacenamiento donde podamos guardar mesas, escritorios y sillas, llame a la oficina al 775-826-4040 o envíe una nota con su hijo a la escuela. ¡Gracias por su ayuda!
about 1 month ago, Mary Ellen Tagle
Soccer Tryouts Parents and potential Soccer Players Please make sure to bring all your soccer gear ready for Friday. There will be only one session for tryouts. Also remember to pick up your student at 4:30pm from the cafeteria door. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you! Pruebas para el equipo de Futbol Padres de familia y potenciales jugadores, Asegúrese de traer la indumentaria correspondiente para la prueba de este viernes. Sólo tendremos una sesión para esta prueba. Tenga en cuenta de recoger a su hijo/a a las 4:30pm en la puerta de la cafetería de la escuela. Muchas gracias!
about 1 month ago, Stephanie Aguirre
Kinder and 6th Grade Promotion Pictures coming on Friday, February 24, 2025. Save the date and make sure to wear your best smile! Note** Students will be wearing a graduation cap for pictures. Please do not send students with high hair buns or updos. If you have any questions, please contact the school office at 775-826-4040
about 1 month ago, Mary Ellen Tagle
K & 6th Grade Promotion Pictures
Familias, nuevamente esta mañana, tuvimos condiciones de manejo inseguras durante la línea de entrega. La calle frente a Mariposa es una zona escolar de 15 mph hasta nuestros vecinos, donde verá el letrero de fin de zona escolar. Acelerar y rebasar en la carretera no es seguro. Nos hemos comunicado con el Departamento de Policía de Reno para ayudar con el patrullaje y poder reducir la conducción insegura en nuestra escuela. Le agradecemos por trabajar juntos para seguir las reglas y leyes.
about 1 month ago, Stephanie Aguirre
Families, again this morning, we had unsafe driving conditions during the drop off line. The street in front of Mariposa is a 15mph school zone all the way down to our neighbors where you will see the end school zone sign. Speeding and passing on the road are not safe. We have reached out to the Reno Police Department to assist in patrolling so that we can reduce the unsafe driving around our school. We thank you for working together to follow the rules and laws.
about 1 month ago, Stephanie Aguirre
Families, we look forward to seeing you back today! Our neighbor is be having some construction work done that will limit access on our street and has already begun this morning! Please be patient with their traffic support team and follow our drop off and pick up procedures. Also, DO NOT GET IN LINE BEFORE 2:50pm as there will not be room on the street due to the construction. We will run pick up line as long as needed until all students are picked up.
about 2 months ago, Jenny Hunt
Familias, ¡esperamos verlos de regreso a la escuela el LUNES 6 DE ENERO a las 8 am! El lunes, nuestro vecino tendrá algunos trabajos de construcción que limitarán el acceso en nuestra calle. Tenga paciencia con el equipo de apoyo de tráfico y siga nuestros procedimientos de entrega y recoger. Además, NO HAGA FILA ANTES DE LAS 2:50 pm, ya que no habrá espacio en la calle debido a la construcción. Mantendremos la fila de recoger todo el tiempo que sea necesario hasta que todos los estudiantes sean recogidos.
about 2 months ago, Jenny Hunt
Families, we look forward to seeing you back to school on MONDAY, JANUARY 6th at 8am! On Monday, our neighbor will be having some construction work done that will limit access on our street. Please be patient with their traffic support team and follow our drop off and pick up procedures. Also, DO NOT GET IN LINE BEFORE 2:50pm as there will not be room on the street due to the construction. We will run pick up line as long as needed until all students are picked up.
about 2 months ago, Jenny Hunt
Welcome Back
Mariposa Language and Learning Academy is expanding and we have open seats for kindergarten and first grade for the 25-26 school year! Come and be a part of our amazing school community! Call the office at (775) 826-4040 for information!
about 2 months ago, Jenny Hunt
Enroll now!!